Hebrews 9 (A Better Sanctuary; A Better Sacrifice)

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Heb 9:1-10     Describe the “regulations of divine worship” under the first covenant.  What was the outer (lit. “first”) sanctuary called, and what articles relating to the divine worship were found in it?  See Heb 9:2.  What was the spiritual significance of each in pointing the worshipers to Christ?  Cf. Jn 8:12; 2 Sam 9:6-11, Prov 9:1-6,…

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Hebrews 7 (A Better Priesthood)

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Heb 7:1-3     Who was Melchizedek?  See Gen 14, esp. Heb 7:17-20, Ps 110:4.[1] Where was Salem?  See Ps 76:2 and note that Salem is traditionally identified as the location that would later be called Jerusalem.  In what ways was Melchizedek a type of Christ?  Are we to understand Heb 7:3 literally, or figuratively in the…

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Hebrews 5:11-14 (Dull of Hearing)

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Heb 5:11-14          Why has the author been slow in arriving at this the central part of his message?  See Heb 5:11-12 and note “dull” of hearing means sluggish, lazy, slothful.  What does this teach us about the danger of sloth in our Christian walk, especially in regard to exercising due diligence to “hear” the word…

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Hebrews 4:14-5:10 (Jesus Our High Priest In Time of Need)

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Heb 4:14-5:10:       What words in Heb 4:14 emphasize the author’s theme throughout this epistle?  Cf. Heb 2:1, 3:6,14, 10:23.  Having established the better revelation we have as Christians through Jesus the Son of God, and His superiority to the prophets (Heb 1:1), angels (Heb 1:4) and even Moses (Heb 3:3), to what does he now…

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