6. Children: the Fruit and Blessing of the Marriage Covenant

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Children Both an Eternal and Temporal Blessing: Recall that in the same way the relationships of both the Father to the Son and Christ to the Church are creative, so is marriage intended to be a creative relationship, and it is precisely this creative aspect wherein is found the greatest blessings of the relationship.  Even…

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4. The Role of a Woman as Wife in the Marriage Relationship

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Wives are the Cornerstone of Their Home: Notice in Eph 5:22-33, Col 3:18-19, and 1Pe 3:1-7 that the role of wives is mentioned before that of their husbands.  This wasn’t just because of the seeds of chivalry sown in the Christian gospel that elevated the role of women from chattel to fellow heirs with men…

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2. The Purpose of Marriage

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“It is not good for man to be alone” (Gen 2:18).  However, neither is it good for man to engage in short-term relationships that appeal to his flesh but have long term consequences that are harmful and not immediately apparent.  Thus marriage is God’s provision for the long-term blessing of man wherein he will find…

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1. The Marriage Covenant.

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What is Marriage: Marriage today is under attack both from within and without.  The traditional roles of men and women in marriage have been disparaged and divorce is rampant, so that large percentages of people today forego marriage altogether, and now are even redefining marriage to mean something entirely different.  So in this first study…

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