Matthew 12:43-50 (Complete Deliverance; The Common Blood of God’s Family)

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Mat 12:43-45    What is the connection between these verses and the preceding context?  See Mat 12:22-24,27.  In Jesus’ parable, does the man from whom the demon went out refer to the man from whom He had just cast the demon and provided such a great deliverance that the crowds marveled and the Pharisees charged…

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Matthew 12:41-42 (The Men of Nineveh and The Queen of the South)

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What do these verses teach about the reality of a future judgment?  Cf. Acts 17:31.  As a rule, do people today believe in and live their lives as if there will be a future judgment?  What effect does an understanding of future judgment have upon people’s lives?  Think: did Hitler, Stalin, Mao, etc… believe in…

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Matthew 12:38-40 (An Evil and Adulterous Generation; Three Days and Three Nights)

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Considering that Gideon had asked for three signs to be sure it was God who was speaking to him and to discern His will (Jdg 6:17,36-40), and was given even yet another sign (Jdg 7:10-11), why was the request by the scribes and Pharisees for a sign rebuffed by Jesus?  See Mat 12:22-24.  Were they…

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Matthew 12:31-32 (The Unpardonable Sin and The Mark of the Beast)

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In reviewing Mat 12:25-30 observe Jesus’ increasing invective against the Pharisees as he answers their charge that He cast out demons by the prince of demons; what conclusion does He now draw concerning them in these verses for their hardness of heart?  Cf. Mat 23:33.  What was the unpardonable sin that they had committed, and…

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Matthew 12:27-30 (Jewish Exorcists, Binding the Strong Man)

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    Mat 12:27-28  What example do we have in Scripture of Jewish exorcists who also cast out demons?  See Act 19:13-14 and cf. Josephus’ Antiquities of the Jews 8:45-49[1].  Was the deliverance ministry of Jesus in any regard less than that of others whom the Pharisees would have acknowledged as having been from God? …

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Matthew 12:22-30 (Spiritual and Physical Healing, Satan’s Kingdom, Unity)

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Mat 12:22-24   In what way was the demon possessed man whom Jesus healed afflicted?  What does Mat 12:22 teach us about the ability of evil spirits to afflict people physically?  Cf. Luk 11:14-15.  By what means did Jesus heal the man?  See Mat 12:24.  What does this teach us about the relationship between physical healing…

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Matthew 12:9-21 (Sabbath Controversy; Jesus Begins to Withdraw)

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Mat 12:9-14    Who was it that questioned Jesus in Mat 12:10?  See Mat 12:2.  What question did they ask Him?  What did they believe was the correct answer to their question, and what did they expect Jesus to answer?  For what purpose then did they ask Him?  How is that like many religious people…

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