Matthew 11:20-24 (Repentance and the Greater Responsibility of the Gospel Age)

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Mat 11:20-24   Why does Matthew say that Jesus reproached the cities where most of his miracles were done?  See Mat 11:20.  What does this teach us about the importance of repentance to the gospel message?  Cf. Luk 13:1-9.  Where were Chorazin, Bethsaida, and Capernaum?  Locate them on a Bible map for where Jesus performed…

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Matthew 11:14-19 (Elijah’s Coming; God’s Wisdom Vindicated)

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Mat 11:14-15 What was the expectation of Jews in the first century in regard to the prophet Elijah, and why?  See Mat 11:14, 16:14, 27:46-49, Luk 9:7-8, Joh 1:21, Mal 3:1, 4:5-6.  In what sense was John the Baptist the fulfillment of Malachi’s prophesy that Elijah would come, and what does this teach us about…

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Matthew 11:1-9 (Dashed Expectations, Doubt, and a True Prophet)

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Mat 11:1          In light of the circumstances facing the Jewish believers at the time Matthew was writing, what is the significance that the word Jesus used in Mat 11:1 to instruct his disciples about the oppositions they would face means literally to arrange carefully or make precise arrangement, so that it came to be used…

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