Matthew 16:21-23 (The Suffering Messiah; Peter a Rock of Offense)

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Mat 16:21         Matthew records that “from that time” Jesus began to show his disciples that He must be delivered up and suffer; from what time?  See the context of the previous verses, and observe that this would have been in the late summer or early fall before His crucifixion the following spring.  What was significant…

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Matthew 16:17-20 (The Gates of Hades and the Keys of the Kingdom)

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 What are the “gates of Hades”?  See Isa 38:10, as well as 3Ma 5:51, Wis 16:13, Psalms of Solomon 16:2 and from the Apocrypha[1].  See also Job 38:17, Psa 9:13, 107:18.  Note that “overpower” in Mat 16:18 means to overcome or prevail over, win out; see KJV and Luk 23:23 where the same word is…

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Matthew 16:5-12 (The Leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees)

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Mat 16:5-7       What warning did Jesus’ give the disciples in Mat 16:6?  What prompted Jesus to give the warning?  See Mat 16:1-4.  What previous run-ins with the religious leaders had Jesus also had?  See Mat 15:1-2, 12:1-2.  Did Jesus’ conversation with the disciples about the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees take place in…

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Matthew 16:1-3 (A Sign From Heaven)

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Mat 16:1           Where was Jesus when the Pharisees and Sadducees came up to test Him?  See Mat 15:39.  What is significant about the fact that the Pharisees and Sadducees came together in order to test Him?  Cf. Act 23:6-10 and think: were the Pharisees and Sadducees political allies or rivals?  Considering their bitter opposition…

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