Matthew 14:13-21 (The Feeding of the 5000, part 1)

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Following Jesus’ visit to His hometown (Mat 13:53-58, Mar 6:1-6a) what does Mark say He and the twelve did?  See Mar 6:6b-7,12-13.  What was the result of this ministry tour?  See Mar 6:14a, Luk 9:1-7.  What does Mar 6:14-29, Luk 9:7-10a, and Mat 14:10-13 indicate about the approximate time in relation to these other events…

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Matthew 14:1-12 (The Death of John the Baptist 2)

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What day occasioned the death of John the Baptist?  See Mat 14:6.  On what other occasion is a birthday mentioned in Scripture?  See Gen 40:20-22.  In what way were these celebrations humanistic and not godly?  Cf. Mar 6:21 and think: who were they celebrating?  Do you think it is significant or just incidental that the…

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Matthew 14:1-12 (The Death of John the Baptist 1)

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As the news about Jesus’ ministry spread—his miracles and teaching—what were the various opinions expressed by the people about Him?  See Mar 6:14-15, Luk 9:7-8; cf. Mat 16:13-14.  What was Herod’s opinion?  See Mat 14:2, Mar 6:16.  What does his opinion indicate about his guilty conscience for having put John to death?  Cf. Mat 14:9,…

Continue ReadingMatthew 14:1-12 (The Death of John the Baptist 1)

Matthew 13:51-58 (The Parable the Scribe; Jesus’ Hometown)

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Mat 13:51-52   Why did Jesus tell this parable?  See Mat 13:51.  In the parable, who does the scribe who has become a disciple of the kingdom of heaven represent?  Who is the head of the household or landowner (same Greek word) that Jesus says they are like?  See Mat 10:25, 13:27, 20:1, 21:33.  What is…

Continue ReadingMatthew 13:51-58 (The Parable the Scribe; Jesus’ Hometown)