Matthew 24:23-26 (Don’t Believe It: Not in the Wilderness or Inner Rooms)

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What is the significance that those who are false will point people to the wilderness or inner rooms for where to find Christ and the salvation from the worldly struggles for which they are seeking deliverance?  Notice that the KJV translates inner rooms here as secret chambers and think: What does an inner, private room…

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Matthew 24:23-26 (Don’t Believe It: Neither Here Nor There)

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In response to His disciples’ request for when the destruction of the temple would take place and a sign that would precede His coming in judgment and the end of the age, Jesus has foretold in the Olivet Discourse the rise of false Christs and false prophets who would mislead the masses by appealing to…

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Matthew 24:20 (Pray That Your Flight Will Not Be In Winter or on a Sabbath)

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Recall that Jesus has warned about the importance of making all haste to escape in that day when His disciples should see the abomination of desolation standing in the holy place, and the woe to those who cannot make haste; see Mat 24:15-21.  In what way would the winter make it difficult to flee and…

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Matthew 24:18 (The Urgency of Fleeing: Remember Lot’s Wife)

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Recall that Jesus has warned His disciples that when they see the abomination of desolation standing in the holy place they must not delay but make their escape with all urgency lest they too be swept away in the coming judgment.  “Whoever is on the housetop must not go down to get the things that…

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Matthew 24:17 (Upon the Housetop: The Urgency of Fleeing)

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Jesus is on the Mount of Olives returning to Bethany after forsaking the temple to those who had rejected Him as their Messiah.  As a consequence of that temple’s spiritual desolation it would also in time be so physically desolated that not one stone would be left upon another (Mat 23:38-24:3).  In response to the…

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Matthew 24:16 (Flee to the Mountains: Escape From Babylon!)

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Recall that in response to their request Jesus has just provided His disciples a key sign by which they will know to escape the destruction that will overtake His enemies when He comes in judgment to establish His promised kingdom.  This sign was “the abomination of desolation standing where it should not be” (Mar 13:14)—that…

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