Matthew 24:15 (The Abomination of Desolation, Part 2)

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What is meant by a desolation?  See Isa 1:7, 13:9, Jer 6:8, etc…  Of what in particular had Jesus just spoken that would be left desolate, and that prompted this whole discourse?  See Mat 23:38; cf. Lev 26:31-35, Isa 64:10-11.  Throughout Jeremiah and Ezekiel who both prophesied before and during the fall of Jerusalem and…

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Matthew 24:14 (This Gospel Shall Be Preached As a Testimony)

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Recall that in response to His prediction of the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple Jesus is answering His disciples’ request for a sign for when such things would take place, which they also associated with His coming and the end of the age (Mat 24:3).  In addition to the false Christs and false prophets…

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Matthew 24:13 (The One Who Endures to the End Will Be Saved)

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Recall that Jesus has warned His disciples that before His coming and the end of the age many false Christs would arise and mislead many looking for a more worldly leader to give them a more worldly kingdom.  Because “the whole world lies in the power of the evil one” (1Jo 5:19), those pledging loyalty…

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Matthew 24:10-12 (The Hoi Polloi)

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Recall that just as Ezekiel saw God’s glory depart from Solomon’s temple and rest upon the mountain east of the city (Eze 11:23), so has the hidden glory of Christ forsaken Herod’s temple and repaired to the Mount of Olives which offered a panoramic view of all Jerusalem and especially the temple mount.  Apart from…

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Matthew 24:10-11 (A Baited Trap and the Trappers)

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Mat 24:10-11.  In His Olivet Discourse after forsaking the temple and predicting its destruction, Jesus is answering His disciples’ request for a sign of when such things would take place, which they associated with His coming and the end of the age (Mat 24:3).  After warning of the deception of false Christs who would appeal…

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