Matthew 25:46 (Concluding the Sheep and the Goats And the Olivet Discourse: Eternal Life)

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Here in the parable of the sheep and goats Jesus is summarizing the discourse He has had with His disciples on the Mount of Olives after forsaking the temple to the unbelieving nation of the Jews who would have their worldly spirit fill it rather than His Holy Spirit.  Their rejection of the truth foretold…

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Matthew 25:41 (So Great a Salvation; So Great the Judgment for Rejecting It)

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We have seen in the parable of the sheep and goats that whereas the words spoken to the sheep grew seven times brighter as they spoke of the richness of their future with Christ, the words spoken to the goats grew seven times darker of their sad and woeful state apart from Him.  For not…

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Matthew 25:34 (The Kingdom Prepared From the Foundation of the World)

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In this parable of the sheep and the goats Jesus is summarizing His warnings in the Olivet discourse to be alert and keep watch lest His coming in glory surprise His disciples, who would become the leaders of His Church, as it did the religious leaders of the Jews.  For just as the unbelieving Jews…

Continue ReadingMatthew 25:34 (The Kingdom Prepared From the Foundation of the World)