Matthew 26:74-75 (Peter’s Vessel is Broken For the Light to Shine)

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After being arrested in the garden of Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives Jesus was interrogated first by Annas, the former high priest who still wielded the power of the office due to his respected age, and then by his son-in-law Caiaphas who was the acting high priest.  They were looking for, and had now…

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Matthew 26:74-75 (The Rooster Crows a Second Time)

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In the wee hours of Thursday morning while Jesus was being interrogated by Caiaphas and his yes-men from the Sanhedrin, Peter was facing his own interrogation of sorts by the servants and officers gathered in the courtyard of the high priest’s palace.  But whereas Jesus, strengthened by His prayer in the garden, had the wisdom…

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Matthew 26:67-68 (Exacting Vengeance on the Presumed Guilty)

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In the very early morning hours on Thursday of Passion week Jesus was found guilty by Caiaphas and supporting members of the Sanhedrin whom he could count upon to follow his lead for what he and his father-in-law Annas advocated was the greater good of the nation (see Joh 11:49-50), but that was actually motivated…

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Matthew 26:66 (Judged Guilty)

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In the very early morning hours on Thursday of Passion week, before the sun had risen, Jesus was interrogated by Caiaphas, the acting High Priest, after being taken first to Annas, his father-in-law, who was the former high priest, and who as his elder still wielded the power of the office.  Jesus’ teaching and cleansing…

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Matthew 26:64 (You Will See the Son of Man Coming on the Clouds)

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In the wee hours of Thursday morning of Passion Week Jesus was subjected to an inquisition first by Annas and then by Caiaphas and his cronies from the Sanhedrin in order to come up with charges they could use to prosecute Jesus to the Romans.  They were chasing the darkness to have Him put to…

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Matthew 26:64 (Out of Their Own Mouth God Catches the Wise In Their Craftiness)

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In order to come up with charges they could use to prosecute Jesus to the Romans, immediately after His arrest in Gethsemane in the middle of Wednesday night of Passion Week He was subjected to an inquisition, first by Annas, and then by Caiaphas, the high priest, and his yes-men from the Sanhedrin.  For immediately…

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