Matthew 26:50 (Judas’ Deception; They Laid Hands on Jesus)

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Following Jesus’ last Passover on Wednesday evening of Passion Week in the upper room He retired with His disciples to the garden of Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives where He was accustomed to stay during the Jewish feasts.  Although sorely tempted to escape the cup of suffering that was about to befall Him, through…

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Matthew 26:43-46 (Watch and Pray: Jesus’ Victory, the Disciples’ Defeat)

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In the garden of Gethsemane Jesus was pressed for the oil of His Spirit that would be poured out through His blood for our washing and cleansing from sin, which is the only basis for true salvation.  For it is only by means of such a sacrificial Spirit that one is able to follow Christ…

Continue ReadingMatthew 26:43-46 (Watch and Pray: Jesus’ Victory, the Disciples’ Defeat)

Matthew 26:39-44 (How Jesus Was Heard and His Prayer Answered)

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It is Wednesday evening of Passion week, and according to Jewish reckoning, the new day has begun.  By the reckoning of some, it is the 15th day of the first month and the start of the feast of unleavened bread, inaugurated with the celebration of the Passover meal which Jesus had just shared with His…

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Matthew 26:39-44 (Not As I Will)

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On Wednesday evening of Passion Week Jesus retired to the garden of Gethsemane after eating His last Passover with the disciples.  Having left the meal earlier, Judas would have been in the company of the Jewish religious leaders and was perhaps already enroute with those dispatched by them to arrest Jesus.  He knew where to…

Continue ReadingMatthew 26:39-44 (Not As I Will)