Matthew 26:27-28 (Christ’s Sacrifice for Our Forgiveness: Penal or Heroic?)

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At Jesus’ last Passover with His disciples He announced that one of them closest to Him would betray Him, and instituted the Lord’s Supper.  We have seen that the bread He broke was much more than just a symbol of His physical body that was given for them; it was also a symbol of His…

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Matthew 26:26-29 (The Communion of Christ’s Body)

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After numerous predictions that He would be delivered up for crucifixion, during the Passover celebration with His disciples on Wednesday of Passion Week Jesus shocked His disciples with the pronouncement that it would be one of them eating at His table and sharing His communion who would betray Him.  While they were eating Jesus also…

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Matthew 26:26 (Breaking Bread)

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During Jesus’ Last Supper with His disciples He both announced His betrayal by one of them and instituted the Lord’s Supper by which to remember Him and His sacrifice.  The two events are closely related because the bread which He gave to them symbolizing His body was also partaken of by Judas who betrayed Him…

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Matthew 26:26 (The Lord’s Supper: This Is My Body)

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It is Wednesday evening of Passion Week.  Earlier that day the disciples had followed Jesus’ instructions to prepare the Passover meal at what may have been the home of John Mark, author of the second gospel.  Matthew and Mark have emphasized that during the meal Jesus revealed that not only would He be delivered up…

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Matthew 26:24-25 (God’s Condescension to the Free Will of Man)

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So incredulous was it to the disciples that one of them would betray Jesus that Matthew and Mark who were the first to articulate their gospels emphasized it of first importance even over His institution of the Lord’s Supper in their description of the events that took place at His last Passover; cf. 1Co 11:23. …

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Matthew 26:24-25 (Woe to Judas; The Danger of Suicide)

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After numerous predictions that He would be delivered up to the Jewish leaders and handed over to the Romans to be crucified (Mat 16:21, 17:22-23, 20:18-19, 21:38, 26:2), at Jesus’ last Passover He has now dropped the spiritual bombshell upon His disciples that it would be one of them who would betray Him.  Their shocked…

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