Matthew 27:46 (My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?)

The end of Jesus’ life was near.  His ordeal that had begun barely twelve hours earlier with His arrest in Gethsemane, followed by two inquisitions and four trials, had culminated at Golgotha where He was crucified as a malefactor between two criminals.  The religious leaders supposed that in ridding themselves of their enemy God had…

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John 19:25-27 (Why John?)

After Jesus was raised upon the cross, darkness enveloped the land as a divine omen that the sun had set upon the Jewish nation for its rejection of its Savior, the promised Messiah.  But even in the midst of that spiritual darkness that all the more hardened the hearts of the unbelieving Jews, the hope…

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Luke 23:40-41 (The Winnowing Fork of Christ’s Spirit on Two Criminals)

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As Jesus was nailed to the cross, the Scriptures describe how He was mocked and scorned not only by the crowds who had been incited by the religious leaders and followed Him from the Praetorium (where He was condemned) to Golgotha, but also by the soldiers who crucified Him, as well as by the two…

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Luke 23:39-41 (Salvation From Sin Versus Salvation From the Consequences of Sin)

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As Jesus was dying upon the cross, already racked with pain from the tortures of crucifixion, He also suffered the agonizing pains of scorn and humiliation, not only from His religious enemies and the soldiers, but even from the criminals among whom He was numbered.  In spite of the innumerable good things He had done…

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