Luke 23:13-25 (How Long Did Jesus’ Trials Take?)

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After working out the charges they would use to prosecute Jesus to the Roman governor in the middle of Wednesday night, the Jewish Sanhedrin met early on Thursday morning of Passion week and condemned Jesus to death (Mar 15:1, Luk 22:66ff).  As the Passover would begin later that day followed by two consecutive sabbaths for…

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Luke 23:1-7 (The Conclusion of Jesus’ First Trial Before Pilate)

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Having condemned Jesus to death at the break of day on Thursday morning of Passion Week, the Jewish leaders quickly led Him to the Roman governor to carry out their sentence before His disciples had time to find out what was happening and mount a protest.  Since their own Passover celebration would start that evening…

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Matthew 27:11, Luke 23:1-3, John 18:28-33 (Jesus’ First Trial Before Pilate)

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After being arrested in Gethsemane Jesus faced three inquisitions or trials before the Jews within just a few hours, and is now about to face three more before the Gentiles in an even shorter period of time.  At the most recent He was condemned to death by a formal gathering of the Sanhedrin to make…

Continue ReadingMatthew 27:11, Luke 23:1-3, John 18:28-33 (Jesus’ First Trial Before Pilate)

Matthew 27:9-10 (That Which Was Spoken Through Jeremiah)

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What prophecy does Matthew say was fulfilled by the purchase of the Potter’s Field with the blood money Judas cast into the temple?  See Mat 27:9-10.  Through whom does he say the prophecy was spoken?  Where does it appear that the prophecy is actually found?  See Zec 11:12-13.  How do we reconcile this seeming error…

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Matthew 27:6-8 (Judas’ Greater Sin; What the Priests Did With the Money)

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As day broke on Thursday morning of passion week Jesus was hastily condemned to death by a kangaroo court gathered to legitimize the verdict that had already been decided upon in advance by Annas, Caiaphas, and the other Jewish leaders.  Since the Romans had stripped from them the authority to carry out executions, an inquisition…

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Matthew 27:5 (The Despairing End of False Riches)

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Contrary to Judas’ expectations, Jesus was condemned to death by the Sanhedrin and delivered up to Pilate for execution.  Unable to see any victory through suffering, or life through death, he could not imagine that Jesus would allow Himself to be crucified.  Faced with the gravity of his error that would make him accountable for…

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