Matthew 7:1-12 (Judging Others, Casting Pearls, Asking to Receive)

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Mat 7:1-5     What does Jesus mean by judging in Mat 7:1-2?  Hint: We get our word criticize from the Greek word used here; “the habit of censoriousness; sharp, unjust criticism” (Robertson’s Word Pictures); cf. Jam 4:11-12.  What is the danger of criticizing others for what we understand, rightly or wrongly, to be their shortcomings or…

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Matthew 6:19-24 (Treasures in Heaven; The Evil Eye of the Grudging Giver)

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Mat 6:19-21  What does it mean to “lay up” treasures upon earth?  See Rom 2:5, 1Co 16:2, 2Co 12:14, Luk 12:21 and context, and note: the Greek word used is the verbal form of the word treasure, thus literally “treasure not to you treasures…”.  What sort of treasures do people treasure up for themselves today? …

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Matthew 6:5-18 (Beware of Practicing Your Righteousness Before Men; Prayer and Fasting)

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Mat 6:5-8     Is all prayer good?  What prayer does Jesus condemn in Mat 6:5?  What examples do we find in Scripture of someone who prayed this way?  See Mar 12:38-40, Luk 18:11-12.  In contrast, how are God’s true servants to pray?  See Mat 6:6.  What examples do we have in Scripture of those who prayed…

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Matthew 6:1-4 (Beware of Practicing Your Righteousness Before Men; Almsgiving)

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Mat 6:1          What three religious acts does Jesus single out in Mat 6:1-18 as deeds of righteousness?  See Mat 6:2,5,16.  Is His criticism against these acts themselves?  How do these three acts exemplify the “pure and undefiled religion” that James mentions in Jam 1:27?  I.e., which of the three looks after orphans and widows in…

Continue ReadingMatthew 6:1-4 (Beware of Practicing Your Righteousness Before Men; Almsgiving)