Romans 5 (Justification by Faith: The Personal and Universal Results)

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Rom 5:1-5     What is the result of being justified by faith?  Is it possible to have true peace while trying to be justified by the works of the Law?  What three things does Paul say a Christian can exult in?  See Rom 5:2,3,11.  Note: Paul’s words in Rom 5:1-3 may also be translated as “let…

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Romans 4 (Justification by Faith: The Example of Abraham)

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Rom 4:1-8    What was the importance of Abraham to the Jewish nation?  See Rom 4:1, Gen 12:1-3, Mat 3:9, John 8:33.  How is that important to Paul’s argument that the righteousness of God is from faith to faith and to the Jew first (Rom 1:16-17)?  What does it mean “to reckon”?  Note: this is the…

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Romans 3:21-31 (Righteousness Through Faith, Apart from the Law)

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Rom 3:21-24 How is “the righteousness of God” that has been revealed in the gospel different from what Paul’s opponents supposed it to be?  See also Rom 1:17.  What is the significance to his Jewish opponents that this righteousness was “witnessed by the Law and the Prophets?  Where is it witnessed in the Law and…

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Romans 1:1-17 (Introduction)

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Rom 1:1-2       What does it mean to be a bond-servant of Christ Jesus?  See 1 Cor 6:19-20.  Why was it necessary for Paul to mention his apostolic authority in this letter to the Romans, whereas it was unnecessary to do so in his letters to the Thessalonians and Philippians?  See Rom 1:10.  For what specifically had…

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