Matthew 22:15-22 (Tribute to Caesar 8: The Long Reach of the 8th Commandment)

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Recall again: What was Jesus’ answer to those who were seeking to ensnare Him with the question of whether or not it was lawful to pay the poll tax to Caesar?  See Mat 22:21.  Upon what foundational principle of property rights was Jesus’ answer based?  Think: do not those who labor to provide what benefits…

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Matthew 22:15-22 (Tribute to Caesar 6: Rendering to Caesar)

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Consider the “either/or” question that the disciples of the Pharisees asked Jesus, and its implication to their minds that they supposed would ensnare Him because of his reputation of being truthful and for which they had just flattered Him: should they pay the poll tax to a pagan ruler who was oppressing their nation and…

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Matthew 22:15-22 (Tribute to Caesar 5: Whose Likeness and Inscription?)

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After the eyes of Him which are a flame of fire easily saw through their hypocrisy and exposed their true motives, what did Jesus say to the disciples of the Pharisees who were trying to trap Him?  See Mat 22:19.  What coin did they bring Him?  See Mat 22:19.  How much was a denarius worth? …

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Matthew 22:15-22 (Tribute to Caesar 4: Putting the Lord to the Test)

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Besides being truthful and teaching the way of God in truth, what other quality of Jesus did the Pharisees’ disciples emphasize in flattering Him?  See Mat 22:16.  In what way is a teacher, especially a religious teacher, like a judge?  Cf. 2Ti 2:15 where “handling accurately” (NAS) or “rightly dividing” (KJV) is literally “cutting straight”. …

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Matthew 22:15-22 (Tribute to Caesar 3: True But not Truthful)

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How did the disciples of the Pharisees and the Herodians preface their question to Jesus about paying taxes to Caesar?  See Mat 22:16.  For what purpose were they flattering Him?  Cf. Jude 1:16.  Was what they said true?  What do their words indicate about the popular opinion of Jesus that resonated with the masses?  Why…

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Matthew 22:15-22 (Tribute to Caesar 2: The Plot Thickens)

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Was it the Pharisees who plotted against Jesus who also confronted Him with their question about paying tribute to Caesar?  See Mat 22:16.  Why did they send their disciples instead of asking Him themselves?  See Mat 22:15,16b and consider that they themselves were likely already known to Him, perhaps from their earlier confrontation inquiring about…

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Matthew 22:15-22 (Tribute to Caesar 1: Plotting to Trap God)

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Recall that it is Tuesday morning of Passion Week and Jesus has just been confronted by a delegation from the Sanhedrin in regard to His authority for cleansing the temple and teaching the people as He had been doing the previous days, to which in addition to His question to them about the authority for…

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Matthew 22:1-14 (The Parable of the Marriage Feast, Part 12)

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Recall in this parable that there was a man who was gathered to the wedding feast and thought he belonged but didn’t because he was not dressed in wedding clothes, which we understand to represent the true heart righteousness of the saints.  These garments of salvation are donned only as one is led by the…

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Matthew 22:1-14 (The Parable of the Marriage Feast, Part 11)

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Consider again the question of the king in this parable to the man whom he observed as not being dressed in wedding clothes, which we understand to be the true heart righteousness and holiness into which the Holy Spirit leads those who would come to the wedding feast.  What does his question remind us about…

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