Hebrews 3 (Christ Better Than Moses; Second Warning)

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Heb 3:1-6     What is a “heavenly calling”?  Is being a partaker of a heavenly calling the same as being a partaker of heaven?  Having confessed Jesus who has called us heavenward, what is necessary to partake of heaven itself? See Heb 4:14, 10:23.  In light of the temptation to the recipients of this letter to…

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Hebrews 2:1-4 (First Warning)

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Heb 2:1-4     Considering that God has now spoken through His Son who is superior even to the angels, what warning is invoked upon Christians, and why?  See Heb 2:1.  What is the great danger of drifting away from the truth?  See Heb 2:2-3a.  What is the great significance—especially to those who were in danger of…

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Hebrews 1 (A Better Revelation, Christ Better Than the Angels)

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Heb 1:1-3     In what way is the revelation that we have as Christians better than the revelation that was given to the Jews prior to the time of Christ?  In what five-fold way is the revelation of the Son superior to that of the prophets?  See Heb 1:2-3a.  What does the author mean that Jesus…

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Hebrews—A Book of Warnings, The Book of Better Things (Introduction)

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Author and Canonicity:  Although one of the most elegant and theologically deep books of the Bible, Hebrews is also one of the most obscure.  While the last 4 verses of this book indicate it was an epistle and are somewhat similar to the close of Paul’s letters, the similarity to Paul’s or the other New…

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2 Timothy 3:10-17 (The Wisdom That Leads To Salvation)

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2Ti 3:10-13 In what 9 ways was Paul’s life an example to Timothy and to us of faithfulness to the truth, especially in dealing with “evil men and imposters”?  See 2Ti 3:10-11.  As such have waxed worse and worse (KJV) have we been as faithful in our teaching, conduct, purpose, etc…?  What do 2Ti 3:10-11…

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