2 Corinthians 4

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2Co 4:1          What might have caused Paul to lose heart or be discouraged?  See 2Co 1:8-9, 2:4.  What was it about his ministry that prevented him from losing heart in the midst of all his afflictions?  See 2Co 3:11,18. 2Co 4:2          Throughout history false religious teachers have commended themselves to their hearers by “walking in…

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2 Corinthians 3

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2Co 3:1-4     What does Paul’s sensitivity to being perceived as commending himself (2Co 3:1, see also 2Co 5:12, 10:12) or being overly bold and confident (2Co 3:4, 12; see also 2Co 1:12,15) teach us about the nature of the accusations charged against him by those opposing him in Corinth?  It was common practice in the…

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2 Corinthians 2

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2Co 2:1-4     In the last chapter Paul was forced to defend his change of plans about coming to Corinth; what do we learn from these verses about why he had done so?  What does he mean by “again” in 2Co 2:1: Had he made a sorrowful trip not recorded in Acts, or does he mean…

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2 Corinthians 1

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2Co 1:1-7     What would cause Paul to immediately break into his eulogy in these verses on God’s comfort?  See 2Co 7:5-7.  Who does Paul say comforts us in all our affliction?  Is it significant that Jesus referred to the Holy Spirit as the Comforter? (See John 14:16,26, 15:26, 16:7 in the KJV, NASB = Helper,…

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2 Corinthians Background

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In Acts 19:22 we read that Paul sent Timothy and Erastus into Macedonia while “he himself stayed in Asia for a while.”  His purpose for sending them was to prepare for his coming, especially in regard to the offering which he was taking up for the saints in Judea.  From Macedonia they were to continue…

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