Matthew 22:44 (Jesus Questions the Pharisees, Part 3: Christ’s Completed Work and Ascension)

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Besides teaching us about the divinity of Christ, what else may we infer about the Messiah and His kingdom from the prophecy in Psa 110:1 that Jesus posed to the religious leaders?  See Mar 16:19, Act 1:9, 2:34.  What does “Sit at My right hand” indicate about the completed nature of the Messiah’s work prior…

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Matthew 22:43-46 (Jesus Questions the Pharisees, Part 2: The Necessity of Divine Revelation)

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Recall that after having posed many questions to Jesus in order to catch Him in something He might say, Jesus has now posed a question to the religious leaders, not to ensnare, but to instruct them.  Were they able to answer the question Jesus asked them?  See Mat 22:46.  What is the answer to His…

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Matthew 22:41-42 (Jesus Questions the Pharisees, Part 1: The Power of Truth)

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Recall that it is Tuesday of Passion week and Jesus has been confronted by the religious leaders who were seeking an occasion to seize Him by questioning Him about various things that they hoped would catch Him in something He said; cf. Mat 21:23-24, 22:15,23,34-35.  What does Scripture record was the result of Jesus’ answers…

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Mark 12:32-34 (The Greatest Commandment 4: The Scribe Responds Intelligently)

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Recall that after Jesus had answered the Sadducees’ question about marriage and the resurrection one of the scribes from among the Pharisees asked Him what commandment was foremost in the law, to which Jesus answered to love God with all one’s heart and soul and strength and to love one’s neighbor as himself.  What does…

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Matthew 22:40 (The Greatest Commandment 3: All That Hangs Upon It)

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What is another way of saying “love your neighbor as yourself”, and what do we call this rule?  See Mat 7:12.  In what way does this second great command summarize the second half of the Decalogue (Ten Commandments), even as the foremost commandment summarizes the first half?  Cf. Exo 20:1-17.  Although the 5th commandment to…

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Matthew 22:37-40 (The Greatest Commandment 2: Loving God and Loving One’s Neighbor)

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What did the scribe mean by the “great” commandment in Mat 22:36?  See Mar 12:28 and the NAS text note there.  By “great” or “foremost” or “first” are we to understand that some commandments are less binding than others?  Cf. Jam 2:10.  In what sense then may one commandment be greater than another?  See Mat…

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Matthew 22:34-36 (The Greatest Commandment 1: The Lawyer’s Question)

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Recall that it is Tuesday of Passion week and Jesus has returned to Jerusalem from spending the night outside of the city (Mar 11:19).  Upon entering the temple He was confronted by a delegation from the Sanhedrin, the ruling body of the Jews.  This council of the elders of Israel was composed mostly of Pharisees…

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Matthew 22:31-33 (Answering the Sadducees 11: Why There is a Resurrection)

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Recall that Jesus is addressing the Sadducees’ mistaken belief that there is no resurrection, and has dispelled their argument that the resurrection makes no sense in light of the Levirate marriage commanded in the law of Moses.  They were mistaken in this regard, indeed greatly deceived in their understanding, for it isn’t the case that…

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Matthew 22:30 (Answering the Sadducees 10: Equal to Angels—A Bigger Picture)

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Recall that in answering the Sadducees Jesus taught that in the resurrection men cannot die because they are equal to angels and are sons of God being sons of the resurrection (Luk 20:36).  For in that age the tree of life shall be restored to man.  Why was it that God prevented man from eating…

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Matthew 22:30 (Answering the Sadducees 9: Equal to Angels in Knowing Good and Evil)

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Recall that in answering the Sadducees Jesus noted that in the resurrection men shall neither marry nor be given in marriage for they can no longer die anymore because they are equal to angels and are sons of God being sons of the resurrection (Luk 20:36); what in particular that was lost in Eden and…

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