- The Synoptic Gospels and Their Literary Relationship
- Dates of the Synoptic Gospels
- The Gospel According to Matthew (Introduction)
Section 1: Introduction to Jesus and the Gospel
Genealogy and birth
- Matthew 1:1-17 (The Genesis of Jesus Christ, Part 1)
- The Genealogies of Jesus in Matthew and Luke
- Matthew 1:18-25 (The Genesis of Jesus Christ, Part 2)
- Matthew 2:1-12 (The Visit of the Magi)
- Matthew 2:13-23 (The Flight Into Egypt and Slaughter of the Innocents)
The Beginning of Jesus’ Ministry
- Matthew 3:1-10 (John the Baptist)
- Matthew 3:11-17 (John the Baptist and Jesus)
- Matthew 4:1-11 (The Temptation of Jesus)
Section 2: The Gospel of the Kingdom
The First Set of Narratives
The First Discourse
- Matthew 5:3-5 (The Beatitudes, Part 1)
- Matthew 5:6-12 (The Beatitudes, Part 2)
- Matthew 5:13-20 (Salt and Light; The Fulfillment of the Law)
- Matthew 5:22 (The Fiery Hell: Two Questions)
- Matthew 5:21-26 (Damning Anger)
- Matthew 5:27-32 (Adultery)
- Matthew 5:33-42 (On Swearing Oaths and Resisting Evil)
- Matthew 5:43-48 (Love Your Enemies)
- Matthew 6:1-4 (Beware of Practicing Your Righteousness Before Men; Almsgiving)
- Matthew 6:5-18 (Beware of Practicing Your Righteousness Before Men; Prayer and Fasting)
- Matthew 6:9-11 (The Lord’s Prayer I)
- Matthew 6:12-15 (The Lord’s Prayer II)
- Matthew 6:19-24 (Treasures in Heaven; The Evil Eye of the Grudging Giver)
- Matthew 6:25-34 (Do Not Be Anxious)
- Matthew 7:1-12 (Judging Others, Casting Pearls, Asking to Receive)
- Matthew 7:13-23 (The Narrow Gate and the Broad Road)
- Matthew 7:24-8:1 (The Wise and Foolish Builders)
Section 3: Jesus’ Messianic Credentials
The Second Set of Narratives
- Matthew 8:2-13 (Jesus’ Healing Ministry)
- Matthew 8:14-22 (Jesus’ Healing Ministry, the Cost of Discipleship)
- Matthew 8:23-27; 9:1-8 (Jesus’ Incredible Authority)
- Matthew 8:28-34 (A Gentile Demoniac)
- Matthew 9:9-13 (The Call of Matthew)
- Matthew 9:14-17 (New Wine in New Wineskins)
- Matthew 9:18-26 (Hope for the Hopeless)
- Matthew 9:27-31 (The Son of David Heals the Blind)
- Matthew 9:32-38 (Jesus’ Expanding Healing Ministry)
The Second Discourse
- Matthew 10:1 (Unclean Spirits)
- Matthew 10:2-4 (The Twelve Apostles)
- Matthew 10:5-15 (2nd Discourse: Jesus Sends Out The Twelve)
- Matthew 10:16-25 (Serpents and Doves; The Cost of True Discipleship: Sitz Im Leben)
- Matthew 10:17-25 (The Cost of True Discipleship: Facing Opposition)
- Matthew 10:26-31 (The Cost of True Discipleship: Do Not Fear)
- Matthew 10:32-42 (Confessing Jesus; What Precedes Peace; Future Rewards)
Section 4: The Proclamation of the Kingdom
The Third Set of Narratives
- Matthew 11:1-9 (Dashed Expectations, Doubt, and a True Prophet)
- Matthew 11:10-13 (Born of God versus Born of Women)
- Matthew 11:14-19 (Elijah’s Coming; God’s Wisdom Vindicated)
- Matthew 11:20-24 (Repentance and the Greater Responsibility of the Gospel Age)
- Matthew 11:25-30 (Blessed are the Poor in Spirit)
- Matthew 12:1-8 (Sabbath Controversy)
- Matthew 12:9-21 (Sabbath Controversy; Jesus Begins to Withdraw)
- Matthew 12:22-30 (Spiritual and Physical Healing, Satan’s Kingdom, Unity)
- Matthew 12:27-30 (Jewish Exorcists, Binding the Strong Man)
- Matthew 12:31-32 (The Unpardonable Sin and The Mark of the Beast)
- Matthew 12:33-37 (Idle Words and a Person’s Heart)
- Matthew 12:38-40 (An Evil and Adulterous Generation; Three Days and Three Nights)
- Matthew 12:40 (Three Days and Three Nights; The Paschal Controversy)
- Matthew 12:41-42 (The Men of Nineveh and The Queen of the South)
- Matthew 12:43-50 (Complete Deliverance; The Common Blood of God’s Family)
The Third Discourse
- Matthew 13:1-3, 10-17 (Jesus’ Teaching in Parables)
- Matthew 13:1-3, 10-17 (Coming to an Understanding of the Knowledge of the Truth)
- Matthew 13:3-9,18-23 (The Parable of the Sower: Part 1)
- Matthew 13:3-9,18-23 (The Parable of the Sower: Part 2)
- Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43 (The Parable of the Tares)
- Matthew 13:31-35 (The Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Hidden Leaven)
- Matthew 13:44-46 (The Parables of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl of Great Value)
- Matthew 13:47-50 (The Parable of the Net)
Section 5: Rising Conflict
The Fourth Set of Narratives
- Matthew 13:51-58 (The Parable the Scribe; Jesus’ Hometown)
- Matthew 14:1 (The Herodian Dynasty)
- Matthew 14:1-12 (The Death of John the Baptist 1)
- Matthew 14:1-12 (The Death of John the Baptist 2)
- Matthew 14:1-12 (The Death of John the Baptist 3)
- Matthew 14:12-13 (Jesus Withdraws)
- Matthew 14:13-21 (The Feeding of the 5000, part 1)
- Matthew 14:13-21 (The Feeding of the 5000, part 2)
- Matthew 14:22-36 (Jesus Walks on Water Part 1)
- Matthew 14:22-36 (Jesus Walks on Water Part 2)
- Matthew 14:22-36 (Jesus Walks on Water Part 3)
- Matthew 15:1-6 (The Pharisees Confront Jesus; Tradition verse Commandment)
- Matthew 15:1-9 (Tradition Versus Commandment)
- Matthew 15:1-20 (On Physical and Spiritual Defilement)
- Matthew 15:10-20 (On Food and Defilement and Taking Offense)
- Matthew 15:10-20 (On Offending Tares)
- Matthew 15:21-28 (The Canaanite Woman’s Faith Part 1)
- Matthew 15:21-28 (The Canaanite Woman’s Faith Part 2)
- Matthew 15:29-31 (More Healing in Gentile Lands)
- Matthew 15:32-39 (The Feeding of the 4000)
- Matthew 16:1-3 (A Sign From Heaven)
- Matthew 16:4 (An Evil and Adulterous Generation)
- Matthew 16:5-12 (The Leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees)
- Mark 8:22-26 (On the Way to Caesarea Philippi)
- Matthew 16:13-16 (Peter’s Great Confession)
- Matthew 16:17-20 (Jesus’ Blessing of Peter)
- Matthew 16:17-20 (The Gates of Hades and the Keys of the Kingdom)
- Matthew 16:21-23 (The Suffering Messiah; Peter a Rock of Offense)
- Matthew 16:24-26 (Following Jesus)
- Matthew 16:27-28 (The Son of Man is Going to Come)
- Matthew 17:1-2 (The Transfiguration, Part 1)
- Matthew 17:3-5 (The Transfiguration, Part 2)
- Matthew 17:6-8 (The Transfiguration, Part 3)
- Matthew 17:9-13 (After The Transfiguration)
- Matthew 17:14-16 (Jesus Heals a Lunatic, Part 1)
- Matthew 17:14-21 (Jesus Heals a Lunatic, Part 2; A Perverted Generation)
- Matthew 17:14-23 (Jesus Heals a Lunatic, Part 3, Return to Capernaum)
- Matthew 17:22-27 (The Temple Tax)
The Fourth Discourse
- Matthew 18:1-4 (The Greatest In God’s Kingdom)
- Matthew 18:1-6 (Children of the Kingdom)
- Mark 9:38-42 (“Little Ones” in Christ Who Don’t Follow Us)
- Matthew 18:6-10 (Stumbling Blocks)
- Matthew 18:8-9 (Eternal Fire and the Fiery Hell, Part 1)
- Matthew 18:8-9 (Eternal Fire and the Fiery Hell, Part 2)
- Matthew 18:10 (Little Ones’ Angels)
- Matthew 18:11-14 (The Father’s Great Love For the Lost)
- Matthew 18:15 (Seeking Sheep That Have Gone Astray, Part 1)
- Matthew 18:15-17 (Seeking Sheep That Have Gone Astray, Part 2)
- Matthew 18:18-19 (Binding and Loosing)
- Matthew 18:19-22 (On Church Numbers and Forgiveness)
- Matthew 18:23-24 (Our Debt to God)
- Matthew 18:25 (The Wages of Sin)
- Matthew 18:26-27 (Repentance and the Compassion of the Lord)
- Matthew 18:28-30 (On Choking Others Over Pence and Motes and Gnats)
- Matthew 18:30-31 (On Unforgiveness)
- Matthew 18:32-35 (The Wickedness of Men; The Justice and Mercy of God)
Section 6: The Kingdom and the End
The Fifth Set of Narratives
- Matthew 19:1-2 (Jesus Departs From Galilee)
- Matthew 19:3-6 (Jesus’ Teaching on Divorce, Part 1)
- Matthew 19:7-9 (Jesus’ Teaching on Divorce, Part 2)
- Matthew 19:9 (The Exception Clause to Divorce and Remarriage)
- Scripture Passages Related to Divorce and Remarriage
- Matthew 19:1-9 (The Spiritual Significance of Marriage)
- Matthew 19:10 (The Disciples’ Response To Jesus’ Teaching on Divorce)
- Matthew 19:1-10 (Answers to the Really Hard Questions Regarding Divorce)
- Matthew 19:1-10 (Answers to the Really Hard Questions Regarding Remarriage Part 1)
- Matthew 19:1-10 (Answers to the Really Hard Questions Regarding Remarriage Part 2)
- Matthew 19:11-12 (On Celibacy)
- Matthew 19:13-15 (Jesus Blesses the Little Children)
- Matthew 19:16-17 (The Rich Young Ruler, Part 1)
- Matthew 19:18-21 (The Rich Young Ruler, Part 2)
- Matthew 19:21 (The Rich Young Ruler, Part 3)
- Matthew 19:21-22 (The Rich Young Ruler, Part 4)
- Matthew 19:22-26 (The Rich Young Ruler, Part 5)
- Matthew 19:27-28 (The Reward Of Those Who Have Followed Christ, Part 1)
- Matthew 19:27-28 (The Reward Of Those Who Have Followed Christ, Part 2)
- Matthew 19:29 (The Reward Of Those Who Have Followed Christ, Part 3)
- Matthew 19:30-20:16 (The First Shall Be Last, and the Last First, Part 1)
- Matthew 19:30-20:16 (The First Shall Be Last, and the Last First, Part 2)
- Matthew 19:30-20:16 (The First Shall Be Last, and the Last First, Part 3)
- Matthew 19:30-20:16 (The First Shall Be Last, and the Last First, Part 4)
- Matthew 20:17-19 (Jesus Anticipates Jerusalem)
- Matthew 20:17-19 (Judas’ Expectations)
- Matthew 20:20 (The Mother of James and John)
- Matthew 20:20-22 (James’ and John’s Request)
- Matthew 20:22-23 (The Cup of the Lord)
- Matthew 20:23-28 (Jesus’ Response to James’ and John’s Request)
- Matthew 20:25-28 (The Kingdom of God versus the Kingdoms of This World)
- Matthew 20:28 (Reigning Through Service; Ransomed From Sin)
- Matthew 20:28 (The Bondage of the Temporal Pleasures Sin)
- Matthew 20:28 (The Bondage of Sin)
- Matthew 20:28 (Christ Our Ransom From the Bondage of Sin)
- Matthew 20:28 (Returning to a Former Master; A Ransom For Many)
- Matthew 20:29-34 (Jesus Heals the Blind, Part 1)
- Matthew 20:29-34 (Jesus Heals the Blind, Part 2)
- Matthew 20:29-34 (Jesus Heals the Blind, Part 3)
- Matthew 20:29-34 (Jesus Heals the Blind, Part 4)
- Matthew 21:1-11 (The Triumphal Entry, Part 1)
- Matthew 21:1-11 (The Triumphal Entry, Part 2)
- Matthew 21:1-11 (The Triumphal Entry, Part 3)
- Matthew 21:1-11 (The Triumphal Entry, Part 4)
- Matthew 21:1-11 (The Triumphal Entry, Part 5)
- Matthew 21:1-11 (The Triumphal Entry, Part 6)
- Matthew 21:12-13 (Jesus Cleanses the Temple, Part 1)
- Matthew 21:12-13 (Jesus Cleanses the Temple, Part 2)
- Matthew 21:12-13 (Jesus Cleanses the Temple, Part 3)
- Herod’s Temple
- New Testament Scripture Passages Related to the Temple
- Matthew 21:14-15 (Miracles in the Temple)
- Matthew 21:16-17 (Out of the Mouths of Babes)
- Matthew 21:18-22 (The Withering of the Fig Tree)
- Matthew 21:18-22 (The Blessing of Fruitfulness)
- Matthew 21:18-22 (The Curse of Unfruitfulness)
- Matthew 21:18-22 (The Power of Prayer to Move Mountains, Part 1)
- Matthew 21:21-22 (The Power of Prayer to Move Mountains, Part 2)
- Matthew 21:23-27 (Jesus’ Authority Questioned)
- Matthew 21:23-27 (Jesus Addresses His Authority and Sifts the Chaff)
- Matthew 21:23-27 (Two Different Lasting Influences)
- Matthew 21:28-32 (The Parable of the Two Sons, Part 1)
- Matthew 21:28-32 (The Parable of the Two Sons, Part 2)
- Matthew 21:33-46 (The Parable of the Wicked Tenants, Part 1)
- Matthew 21:33-46 (The Parable of the Wicked Tenants, Part 2)
- Matthew 21:33-46 (The Parable of the Wicked Tenants, Part 3)
- Matthew 21:33-46 (The Parable of the Wicked Tenants, Part 4)
- Matthew 21:33-46 (The Parable of the Wicked Tenants, Part 5)
- Matthew 21:33-46 (The Parable of the Wicked Tenants, Part 6)
- Matthew 21:33-46 (The Parable of the Wicked Tenants, Part 7)
- Matthew 21:33-46 (The Parable of the Wicked Tenants, Part 8)
- Matthew 21:33-46 (The Parable of the Wicked Tenants, Part 9)
- Matthew 22:1-14 (The Parable of the Marriage Feast, Part 1)
- Matthew 22:1-14 (The Parable of the Marriage Feast, Part 2)
- Matthew 22:1-14 (The Parable of the Marriage Feast, Part 3)
- Matthew 22:1-14 (The Parable of the Marriage Feast, Part 4)
- Matthew 22:1-14 (The Parable of the Marriage Feast, Part 5)
- Matthew 22:1-14 (The Parable of the Marriage Feast, Part 6)
- Matthew 22:1-14 (The Parable of the Marriage Feast, Part 7)
- Matthew 22:1-14 (The Parable of the Marriage Feast, Part 8)
- Matthew 22:1-14 (The Parable of the Marriage Feast, Part 9)
- Matthew 22:1-14 (The Parable of the Marriage Feast, Part 10)
- Matthew 22:1-14 (The Parable of the Marriage Feast, Part 11)
- Matthew 22:1-14 (The Parable of the Marriage Feast, Part 12)
- Matthew 22:15-22 (Tribute to Caesar 1: Plotting to Trap God)
- Matthew 22:15-22 (Tribute to Caesar 2: The Plot Thickens)
- Matthew 22:15-22 (Tribute to Caesar 3: True But not Truthful)
- Matthew 22:15-22 (Tribute to Caesar 4: Putting the Lord to the Test)
- Matthew 22:15-22 (Tribute to Caesar 5: Whose Likeness and Inscription?)
- Matthew 22:15-22 (Tribute to Caesar 6: Rendering to Caesar)
- Matthew 22:15-22 (Tribute to Caesar 7: Rendering to God)
- Matthew 22:15-22 (Tribute to Caesar 8: The Long Reach of the 8th Commandment)
- Matthew 22:23 (Answering the Sadducees 1: Who were the Sadducees?)
- Matthew 22:23 (Answering the Sadducees 2: The Sadducees Then and Now)
- Matthew 22:24-28 (Answering the Sadducees 3: Levirate Marriage)
- Matthew 22:28-29 (Answering the Sadducees 4: The Faulty Reasonings of Fallen Men)
- Matthew 22:29 (Answering the Sadducees 5: Not Knowing the Power of God)
- Matthew 22:30 (Answering the Sadducees 6: No Marriage in the Resurrection)
- Matthew 22:30 (Answering the Sadducees 7: Counted Worthy; Like Angels)
- Matthew 22:30 (Answering the Sadducees 8: Equal to Angels But Not Angels)
- Matthew 22:30 (Answering the Sadducees 9: Equal to Angels in Knowing Good and Evil)
- Matthew 22:30 (Answering the Sadducees 10: Equal to Angels—A Bigger Picture)
- Matthew 22:31-33 (Answering the Sadducees 11: Why There is a Resurrection)
- Matthew 22:34-36 (The Greatest Commandment 1: The Lawyer’s Question)
- Matthew 22:37-40 (The Greatest Commandment 2: Loving God and Loving One’s Neighbor)
- Matthew 22:40 (The Greatest Commandment 3: All That Hangs Upon It)
- Mark 12:32-34 (The Greatest Commandment 4: The Scribe Responds Intelligently)
- Matthew 22:41-42 (Jesus Questions the Pharisees, Part 1: The Power of Truth)
- Matthew 22:43-46 (Jesus Questions the Pharisees, Part 2: The Necessity of Divine Revelation)
- Matthew 22:44 (Jesus Questions the Pharisees, Part 3: Christ’s Completed Work and Ascension)
- Matthew 23:1-2 (Who Are the Scribes?)
- Matthew 23:1-2 (The Chair of Moses)
- Matthew 23:3 (All That They Tell You, Do and Observe)
- Matthew 23:3-4 (Do As I Say, Not as I Do; Heavy Burdens)
- Matthew 23:5 (To Be Noticed By Men)
- Matthew 23:6-7 (The Place of Honor)
- Matthew 23:7-12 (Honorary Titles 1: Exploited by the Education Industry)
- Matthew 23:7-12 (Honorary Titles 2: The Brotherhood of All Men)
- Matthew 23:13 (Woe to You, Hypocrites!)
- Matthew 23:13 (Hindering Those Who Are Entering)
- Matthew 23:14 (The Sheepskin of Wolves to Exploit Others)
- Matthew 23:14 (Devouring Widows’ Houses; The Widow’s Mite)
- Matthew 23:15 (When Evangelistic Endeavors Are Not a Good Thing)
- Matthew 23:15 (Twice as Much a Son of Hell)
- Matthew 23:16-18 (Blind Guides and Swearing Oaths)
- Matthew 23:16-22 (Religious Fools)
- Matthew 23:23 (Tithing Mint and Dill and Cummin)
- Matthew 23:23 (The Weightier Provisions of the Law 1: Justice and Mercy)
- Matthew 23:23 (The Weightier Provisions of the Law 2: Faithfulness)
- Matthew 23:24 (Blind Guides Who Strain Out Gnats but Swallow Camels)
- Matthew 23:25 (Full of Robbery and Self-Indulgence)
- Matthew 23:26 (Clean Cups)
- Matthew 23:27-28 (Whitewashed Tombs)
- Matthew 23:29-30 (Building Monuments to the Righteous)
- Matthew 23:29-31 (The Crowning Mitre of Hypocrisy)
- Matthew 23:32 (The Measure of the Guilt of Your Fathers)
- Matthew 23:33 (Serpents and Vipers: How Will You Escape the Sentence of Hell?)
- Matthew 23:34-35 (Multipurpose Messengers)
- Matthew 23:34-35 (God’s Love; Man’s Free Will)
- Matthew 23:34-35 (The Deceitfulness of Sin 1; The Nature of True Salvation)
- Matthew 23:34-35 (The Deceitfulness of Sin 2: Humility, Pride, and God’s Sovereignty)
- Matthew 23:34-35 (The Deceitfulness of Sin 3: Summary)
- Matthew 23:35 (Guilty of All the Righteous Blood Shed on Earth)
- Matthew 23:35-36 (Sinning Against So Great a Light)
- Matthew 23:35-36 (God’s Vengeance for the Shedding of Righteous Blood)
- Matthew 23:37 (O Jerusalem, Jerusalem)
- Matthew 23:37-38 (Gathered Together Under God’s Wings of Refuge)
- Matthew 23:38 (Desolation: The Consequence of Rejecting God’s Messengers)
- Matthew 23:38-39 (Your House is Left Desolate)
- Matthew 23:39 (Blessed is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord)
The Fifth Discourse
- Matthew 24:1 (Jesus Forsakes the Temple)
- Matthew 24:1-2 (The Glory of the Temple)
- Matthew 24:1-2 (The Hidden Glories of God’s Temple)
- Matthew 24:1-2 (Satan and the Hidden Glory of God)
- Matthew 24:2-3 (Not One Stone Left Upon Another)
- Matthew 24:3 (The Disciples’ Questions)
- The Fulfillment of Matthew 24 in the Jewish War and the Destruction of Jerusalem, A.D. 70
- Matthew 24:4-5 (Do Not Be Misled About the Identity of the Christ)
- Matthew 24:4-5 (The Deception of False Christs)
- Matthew 24:6-7 (Wars and Rumors of Wars)
- Matthew 24:7 (Famines and Pestilences)
- Matthew 24:7 (Earthquakes)
- Matthew 24:8 (Birth Pangs)
- Matthew 24:9 (Tribulation to Christ’s Disciples)
- Matthew 24:9-10 (Tribulation and Falling Away)
- Matthew 24:10 (If We Stumble Will We Fall?)
- Matthew 24:10-11 (A Baited Trap and the Trappers)
- Matthew 24:12 (The Increase of Lawlessness)
- Matthew 24:10-12 (The Hoi Polloi)
- Matthew 24:13 (The One Who Endures to the End Will Be Saved)
- Matthew 24:14 (This Gospel Shall Be Preached As a Testimony)
- Matthew 24:15 (The Abomination of Desolation, Part 1)
- Matthew 24:15 (The Abomination of Desolation, Part 2)
- Matthew 24:16 (Flee to the Mountains: Escape From Babylon!)
- Matthew 24:17 (Upon the Housetop: The Urgency of Fleeing)
- Matthew 24:18 (The Urgency of Fleeing: Remember Lot’s Wife)
- Matthew 24:19 (Woe to Pregnant Women and Nursing Mothers)
- Matthew 24:20 (Pray That Your Flight Will Not Be In Winter or on a Sabbath)
- Matthew 24:21 (A Great Tribulation)
- Matthew 24:22 (No Life Would Have Been Saved)
- Matthew 24:22 (Who are God’s Elect?)
- Matthew 24:23-26 (Don’t Believe It: Neither Here Nor There)
- Matthew 24:23-26 (Don’t Believe It: Not in the Wilderness or Inner Rooms)
- Matthew 24:24 (Great Signs and Wonders)
- Matthew 24:24 (False Signs and Wonders 1: A False God and False Messiah)
- Matthew 24:24 (False Signs and Wonders 2: A False Spirit and the Image of the Beast)
- Matthew 24:24 (False Signs and Wonders 3: A False Church)
- Matthew 24:24 (The False Wonders of Patent Medicine)
- Matthew 24:27 (Just as the Lightning)
- Matthew 24:27-28 (Wherever the Corpse Is)
- Matthew 24:29-31 (Immediately After the Tribulation of Those Days)
- Matthew 24:29 (The Sun, Moon and Stars Will Be Darkened)
- Matthew 24:29 (The Spiritual Significance of the Sun, Moon and Stars)
- Matthew 24:29 (The Powers of the Heavens Will Be Shaken)
- Matthew 24:30 (The Sign of the Son of Man)
- Matthew 24:31 (Gathered By Angels)
- Matthew 24:31 (Gathered From the Four Winds)
- Matthew 24:31 (Gathered With a Great Trumpet)
- Matthew 24:32-33 (The Parable of the Fig Tree; the Rapture Revealed)
- Matthew 24:34-35 (This Generation Will Not Pass Away Until All These Things Take Place)
- Matthew 24:36 (Of That Day and Hour No One Knows)
- Matthew 24:36 (Not Equality, But Oneness)
- Matthew 24:37-39 (The Parousia of the Lord)
- Matthew 24:37-39 (Just Like the Days of Noah)
- Matthew 24:37-41 (The Ark of Salvation Pitched With Pitch)
- Matthew 24:42 (Be on the Alert!)
- Matthew 24:43-44 (The Porter and the Goodman)
- Matthew 24:43-44 (The Two-Fold Nature of Jesus’ Coming)
- Matthew 24:45 (Stewards and Servants)
- Matthew 24:46-47 (Blessings for Keeping Watch)
- Matthew 24:48-51 (Jews Who Kept Watch; Those Who Grew Impatient)
- Matthew 24:50 (At an Hour You Will Not Recognize)
- Matthew 24:51 (Curses For Not Keeping Watch)
- Matthew 25:1 (The Ten Virgins and the Bride)
- Matthew 25:1 (Who Do the Ten Virgins Represent?)
- Matthew 25:1-5 (The Lamp and the Oil)
- Matthew 25:2-5 (The Wise and the Foolish and the Oil)
- Matthew 25:6-7 (The Shout to Come Out)
- Matthew 25:7-8 (Trimmed Lamps or a Quenched Spirit?)
- Matthew 25:8 (Give Us Some of Your Oil)
- Matthew 25:9 (No Oil to Share)
- Matthew 25:9-10 (Go to the Dealers)
- Matthew 25:10-11 (And the Door Was Shut)
- Matthew 25:11-13 (To Be Known by the Lord)
- Matthew 25:14-30 (The Parable of the Talents—Overview)
- Matthew 25:15 (To Each According to His Own Ability)
- Matthew 25:16-18 (Faithful Diligence With the Talents of Our Lives)
- Matthew 25:16-18 (Christ’s Management; Our Partnership)
- Matthew 25:16-18 (Merchants of the Kingdom; Those Who Bury Their Talents)
- Matthew 25:18 (On Burying the Eternal Riches Entrusted to Us)
- Matthew 25:18 (He Who Hides His Treasure to Preserve it Will Lose It)
- Matthew 25:19 (After a Long Time the Master Settled Accounts)
- Matthew 25:20,22 (Responsible Citizens of God’s Kingdom)
- Matthew 25:21,23 (The Master’s Commendation)
- Matthew 25:21,23 (The Importance of Faithfulness)
- Matthew 25:21,23 (The Master’s Reward; Joy and Fun)
- Matthew 25:24-25 (I Knew You to Be a Hard Man)
- Matthew 25:25 (Behold, You Have What is Yours)
- Matthew 25:26 (You Wicked, Lazy Servant)
- Matthew 25:26-27 (Caught in His Own Words; Is Interest Lawful?)
- Matthew 25:28-29 (Deprived of One’s Talent)
- Matthew 25:30 (Outer Darkness; Weeping and Gnashing of Teeth)
- Matthew 25:31-46 (Summarizing the Olivet Discourse: The Sheep and the Goats)
- Matthew 25:31-32 (Christ’s Throne of Glory)
- Matthew 25:31-32 (The Hidden Glory of God)
- Matthew 25:31-32 (The Manifestation of God’s Hidden Glory to Men and Angels)
- Matthew 25:31-33 (The Nature of Sheep and Goats)
- Matthew 25:34 (The King and His Kingdom of Sheep)
- Matthew 25:34 (Come, Inherit the Kingdom)
- Matthew 25:34 (The Kingdom Prepared From the Foundation of the World)
- Matthew 25:35-36 (Good Fruits and Good Doctrine)
- Matthew 25:35-40 (You Did It Unto Me)
- Matthew 25:41 (A Sevenfold Damnation)
- Matthew 25:41 (So Great a Salvation; So Great the Judgment for Rejecting It)
- Matthew 25:41 (Prepared For the Devil and His Angels)
- Matthew 25:42-45 (Ye Did It Not To Me)
- Matthew 25:46 (Eternal Punishment)
- Matthew 25:46 (Concluding the Sheep and the Goats And the Olivet Discourse: Eternal Life)
Section 7: The Passion and the Resurrection
Passion Narratives
- Matthew 26:1-2 (Delivered Up for Crucifixion)
- Matthew 26:3-5 (Plotting Against Jesus)
- Matthew 26:6-13 (Sorting Out Anointings, Times and Simons)
- Matthew 26:6-13 (The Anointing in Bethany: Sorting Out Marys)
- Matthew 26:9-13 (Love and Sacrifice: Mary and Judas)
- Matthew 26:9-13 (You Always Have the Poor; Embracing Sacrifice)
- Matthew 26:14-15 (God’s Sovereignty and Man’s Free Will)
- Matthew 26:13-16 (Mary Memorialized; How Satan Enters In)
- Matthew 26:14-16 (Thirty Silvers)
- Matthew 26:17 (Passion Week Chronology Part 1)
- Matthew 26:17 (Passion Week Chronology Part 2)
- Matthew 26:17-19 (Preparation for the Passover)
- Matthew 26:20-21 (The Different Gospel Emphases of the Last Passover)
- Matthew 26:21-25 (Deeply Grieved, …or Not)
- Matthew 26:24-25 (Woe to Judas; The Danger of Suicide)
- Matthew 26:24-25 (God’s Condescension to the Free Will of Man)
- Matthew 26:25 (You Have Said It Yourself)
- Matthew 26:26 (The Lord’s Supper: This Is My Body)
- Matthew 26:26 (The Bread of the Presence)
- Matthew 26:26 (Breaking Bread)
- Matthew 26:26-29 (The Communion of Christ’s Body)
- Matthew 26:26-28 (The Four Cups of Passover)
- Matthew 26:27-28 (My Blood of the Covenant)
- Matthew 26:27-28 (Christ’s Sacrifice for Our Forgiveness: Penal or Heroic?)
- Matthew 26:27-28 (Old Testament Sacrifices; Justice and Atonement)
- Matthew 26:27-28 (Christ’s Blood Renders Powerless the Devil)
- Matthew 26:27-28 (Summary: The Sin from Which Christ Saves Us)
- Matthew 26:27-28 (The Ransom of Christ’s Suffering and Christ’s Death)
- Matthew 26:27-28 (The New Testament in Christ’s Blood)
- Matthew 26:29 (Drinking Anew The Fruit of the Vine in God’s Kingdom)
- Matthew 26:20-35 (Other Happenings During and After the Last Supper)
- Matthew 26:30 (They Sang a Hymn)
- Matthew 26:30 (Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs)
- Matthew 26:31 (You Will All Fall Away)
- Matthew 26:32 (I Will Go Before You to Galilee)
- Luke 22:31-32 (Sifted Like Wheat)
- Matthew 26:33 (Peter’s Bravado)
- Matthew 26:34-35 (Self-Confidence and Denying the Lord)
- Luke 22:35-36 (The Times They Are a Changing)
- Luke 22:35-38 (He Who Has Not…Let Him Buy a Sword)
- Matthew 26:36 (Gethsemane)
- Matthew 26:36 (Secret Prayer in the Garden)
- Matthew 26:37 (Jesus’ Inner Sufferings in the Garden)
- Matthew 26:37, Luk 22:44 (A Man of Sorrows; Jesus’ Agony)
- Matthew 26:38 (Deeply Grieved to the Point of Death)
- Matthew 26:39 (Jesus’ Prayer in the Garden)
- Matthew 26:39-44 (Not As I Will)
- Matthew 26:39-44 (How Jesus Was Heard and His Prayer Answered)
- Matthew 26:40-44 (The Disciples’ Failure; Jesus’ Response)
- Matthew 26:43-46 (Watch and Pray: Jesus’ Victory, the Disciples’ Defeat)
- Matthew 26:45-47 (The Arrival of Christ’s Betrayers)
- Matthew 26:48-49 (Betrayed With a Kiss)
- Matthew 26:50 (With a Kiss Do You Betray the Son of Man?)
- Matthew 26:50 (Judas’ Deception; They Laid Hands on Jesus)
- Matthew 26:51-54, Luke 22:49-51 (Peter Strikes With the Sword)
- Matthew 26:51 (The High Priest’s Slave)
- Matthew 26:52-54 (Jesus’ Fourfold Rebuke of the Sword)
- Matthew 26:54, John 18:11 (Greater Reasons For Not Taking Up the Sword)
- Matthew 26:55-56 (Jesus Addresses His Captors)
- Matthew 26:56 (All the Disciples Left Jesus and Fled)
- Matthew 26:57, John 18:13 (Annas and Caiaphas)
- Matthew 26:57, John 18:19-24 (The First of Six Trials and Their Injustices)
- Matthew 26:58, John 18:15 (Those Who Followed Jesus; More on Jesus’ Trials)
- Matthew 26:59-61 (Jesus’ Informal Trial at Night)
- Matthew 26:59-63 (Jesus Remains Silent)
- Matthew 26:63 (The Primary Charge Against Jesus)
- Matthew 26:64 (Out of Their Own Mouth God Catches the Wise In Their Craftiness)
- Matthew 26:64 (You Will See the Son of Man Coming on the Clouds)
- Matthew 26:65 (The High Priest Rent His Clothes)
- Matthew 26:66 (Judged Guilty)
- Matthew 26:67-68 (Exacting Vengeance on the Presumed Guilty)
- Matthew 26:69-74 (Peter’s Denials)
- Matthew 26:74-75 (The Rooster Crows a Second Time)
- Matthew 26:74-75 (Peter’s Vessel is Broken For the Light to Shine)
- Matthew 27:1 (Jesus’ Formal Trial)
- Luke 22:66-71 (Judged Guilty)
- Luke 22:69-71 (Jesus Christ, the Son of God)
- Matthew 27:2 (Jesus is Bound and Delivered Up to Pilate)
- Matthew 27:3 (Misplaced Expectations)
- Matthew 27:3-4 (Judas’ Remorse)
- Matthew 27:4 (See to That Yourself)
- Matthew 27:4-5 (Judas Despairs)
- Matthew 27:5 (The Despairing End of False Riches)
- Matthew 27:6-8 (Judas’ Greater Sin; What the Priests Did With the Money)
- Matthew 27:7-8 (Hakeldama, the Field of Blood)
- Matthew 27:9-10 (That Which Was Spoken Through Jeremiah)
- Matthew 27:11, Luke 23:1-3, John 18:28-33 (Jesus’ First Trial Before Pilate)
- Luke 23:1-7 (The Conclusion of Jesus’ First Trial Before Pilate)
- Luke 23:8-12 (Jesus’ Trial Before Herod)
- Luke 23:13-25 (How Long Did Jesus’ Trials Take?)
- Matthew 27:12-14, John 18:33-38 (Pilate Wonders)
- John 18:33-38 (Jesus Privately Before Pilate)
- Matthew 27:15-19, John 18:39 (Jewish and Gentile Choices of Two Jesuses)
- Matthew 27:19-22 (Pilate’s Dilemma)
- Luke 23:20-22, John 19:1-5 (Pilate Scourges Jesus to Save Him)
- John 19:1-6 (Behold the Man)
- John 19:7-11 (Authority From Above)
- Matthew 27:23-26, John 19:12-16 (Pilate Yields to the Jews Concerning Jesus)
- Matthew 27:24-26 (The Judgment of Group-think; Barabbas’ Salvation)
- Matthew 27:26-31 (The King in His Glory)
- Matthew 27:31-32 (Those Who Followed Jesus to the Cross)
- Luke 23: 26-31 (Those For Whom We Should Weep)
- Luke 23:32-33, Matthew 27:33,38 (Criminals and Calvary)
- Matthew 27:34 (The Wine Spiked With Gall)
- Matthew 27:35 (Christ’s Tunic)
- Luke 23:34 (Father Forgive…Who? Genuine or Spurious?)
- Matthew 27:36 (Keeping Watch Over Jesus)
- Matthew 27:37 (The Inscription on Jesus’ Cross)
- Matthew 27:39-42 (Jesus’ Final Abuse by His Enemies)
- Matthew 27:41-43 (The Envy and Hatred of Jesus’ Enemies)
- Matthew 27:43, Luke 23:36-37 (The Underlying Misbelief of the Crowd’s Taunts)
- Matthew 27:44, Luke 23:39-43 (Even the Criminals Reproached Jesus)
- Luke 23:39-41 (Salvation From Sin Versus Salvation From the Consequences of Sin)
- Luke 23:40-41 (The Winnowing Fork of Christ’s Spirit on Two Criminals)
- Luke 23:42 (The Prayer of the Dying Robber)
- Luke 23:43 (Jesus’ Answer to the Dying Criminal’s Request)
- Luke 23:43 (The Paradise of Christ’s Kingdom)
- Matthew 27:45 (Darkness Falls Upon All the Land)
- John 19:25-27 (Jesus Honors His Mother)
- John 19:25-27 (Why John?)
- Matthew 27:46 (My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?)
- Matthew 27:47-49 (Elijah and the Messiah)
- John 19:28-30 (Jesus Empties the Cup; The Branch of Hyssop)
- Matthew 27:50, Luke 23:46 (Jesus’ Last Words Before He Died)
- Matthew 27:50, Luke 23:46 (Jesus Dies; The Spirit, Soul and Body at Death)
- Matthew 27:51,54, Mark 15:39, Luke 23:47 (The Centurion’s Proclamations)
- Matthew 27:51 (The Veil Is Torn Asunder)
- Matthew 27:51 (Veiled Glories)
- Matthew 27:51 (The Way Through the Veil)
- Matthew 27:51 (Not Just the Veil was Torn: What Else Was Broken Down)
- Matthew 27:51 (Divorcing Unholy Temples; The Earthquake and the Rock that was Split)
- Matthew 27:51 (Shaking Heaven and Earth; The Rock, Cleft But Unshakeable)
- Matthew 27:52 (The Opening of the Graves and Who Was Raised)
- Matthew 27:53 (Raised From the Dead Or Resurrected?)
- Matthew 27:53 (Entering the Holy City Perfected in Faith)
- Matthew 27:54 (The Soldiers’ Conversion and Belief)
- Matthew 27:55-56 (The Women Ministers From Galilee)
- Matthew 27:56 (Jesus’ Closest Loved Ones at the Cross)
- John 19:31-37 (What Happened at the Cross After Jesus Died)
- John 19:33-37 (The Testimony of John, the Spirit, the Water, and the Blood)
- Matthew 27:57-61 (The Significance of the Tomb Where Jesus Was Interred)
- Matthew 27:57 (Joseph of Arimathea)
- Matthew 27:58 (Joseph and Pilate)
- Matthew 27:58 (What if Jesus Had Been Cremated?)
- Matthew 27:59 (Prepared for Burial)
- Matthew 27:60 (Entombed)
- Matthew 27:60-61 (The Stone is Rolled in Place)
- Matthew 27:62 (Their Eyes Were Opened, and They Knew They Were Naked)
- Matthew 27:62-63 (Doubling Down on the High Sabbath)
- Matthew 27:63-64 (Given Over to Their Fears)
- Matthew 27:64-66 (The Stationing of the Guard at the Tomb)
- Luke 23:56 (Resting and Waiting For God’s Salvation)
The Resurrection and the Great Commission
- Matthew 28:1-10 (Understanding the Different Resurrection Accounts)
- Matthew 28:1 (Reconciling the Women’s Accounts of the Empty Tomb)
- Matthew 28:2-4 (An Angel Rolls Away the Stone)
- Matthew 28:2-7 (Different Perceptions and Different Fears)
- Matthew 28:5-6 (The Angel Proclaims the Resurrection)
- Matthew 28:6 (God’s Perfectly-Timed Revelation of Secret Things)
- Matthew 28:7 (Go Quickly and Tell His Disciples)
- Matthew 28:7 (Where All the Disciples Would See Jesus; Behold, I Have Told You)
- Matthew 28:8 (They Departed Quickly From the Tomb With Fear)
- Luke 24:1-9, John 20:1-2 (After They Left the Tomb)
- Luke 24:1-12, John 20:1-17 (Making Sense of the Different Resurrection Accounts)
- Luke 24:4-5 (The Second Encounter at the Empty Tomb)
- Luke 24:5 (Why Do You Seek the Living One Among the Dead?)
- Luke 24:6-8 (Obtaining the Faith by Which We are Saved)
- Luke 24:8-11 (Discerning the Validity of Spiritual Experiences)
- Luke 24:12, John 20:3-6 (The Faith Lesson; Peter Races to the Tomb)
- Luke 24:12, John 20:3-6 (Stooping Down to See)
- John 20:3-6 (John Pauses to Enter the Tomb; The Linen Wrappings)
- John 20:6-7 (The Linen Wrappings and the Shroud of Turin)
…lots more to come!
Outline adapted from https://www.churchandgospel.com/2021/07/15/teaching-matthew-an-outline/.
Bible study is too good for all christian family, basically it is helpful to know plan of salvation.
Hello. I am Noveen Ayaz from Pakistan. I am a translator for Urdu and Punjabi languages.
I can translate books, articles, sermons, audios, videos, websites, booklets, blogs, etc.
If you have any material that you need to get translated into Urdu and Punjabi languages to spread here for people, please write me email or you can call me here:
Noveen Ayaz.
Hi Noveen,
Thank you for visiting http://InductiveBible.org. Please feel free to translate any of the materials at this site into Urdu or Punjabi that you believe would assist people in Pakistan to come to know and serve the Lord Jesus Christ. I highly recommend the Basics in Biblical Christianity bible study at http://inductivebible.org/?page_id=78. God bless you!
Clark Brown
The study is excellent….! God bless your efforts. Kindly do post study materials from Matthew 28. Thank you!
I love the scriptures. May God bless you